Friday, March 12, 2010

Latest News of Windows 7

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Windows 7 is a benchmark in the software development history of Microsoft. It has been designed with acute sharpness to deliver qualitative performance in a best and secure way. Since its launch on 22nd October, last year, it has earned net revenue of $6.66 billion approximately, which is many folds higher than Windows Vista.

Feature, usability and recommendation
From my prospective, Windows 7 update is an important option, which has been included for the smooth performance of your operating system, dependent application software and peripheral devices, such as printer and scanner.
I faced the most difficult situation in my computing life, when I found my computer equipped with Windows 7 in an absolute “no boot” condition. It was showing software conflicts repeatedly. But once I updated the Microsoft’s applications with the latest patches available on its website, I got everything resolved.
But things were not so easier, if I had not kept my Windows update enabled. From Windows update I came to know about the latest patch for my computer’s operating system and other application software and when I implemented those updates I got my computer back in sound condition.

Hence, Windows 7 update is essential to maintain the performance and security of computer. It dedicatedly searches for the latest available patch required for loaded operating system and application software.

Microsoft is still working to energize its latest Windows 7 operating system. There is a news is in the air about development of an update patch known as Service Pack 1 or SP1, which is expected to be available around September 2010.
So, the best thing is to keep your Windows updated with latest patch via Windows update option, which is not a bit difficult. It can be done as, Click Start > Control Panel>System and Security>Windows Update. Click OK to apply it finally.
Running a computer is always at a risk if you don’t update your computer on regular basis, there can be risk of hardware failure/computer crash or stealing of important personal details through spyware or adware. So never compromise and get the best update from Microsoft’s website.

Over and all Microsoft has done a great job with the introduction of self update feature in latest Windows 7. It helps to get quick and automatic access to latest update available from manufacturer and hence you

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